Ayumi is the number 1 health care shoe brand in Japan and started expanding into other regions of the Asian market in 2013. Hong Kong was chosen as the first location by Enable (Asia) to distribute the shoes through medical specialist stores.

Initially we established the Ayumi brand in Hong Kong through social media. We took over their Facebook management to monitor the Ad performance, publish contents, and reply to enquiries. Graphic design and copywriting were both done by the RollAngle team. Enquiries about foot problems, store locations, and shoes were generated at the initial stages even before physical stores were available. We achieved an overall engagement rate of 10% on Facebook, which was a clear indication of targeting the right audiences.

Besides Facebook management, we also provided other business advice including alternative digital sales channel. Whether it was about the brand identity, SEO, positioning, or even relationship with the retailer, we offered consultancy services along their business development.


DATE: 2013-Ongoing
FACEBOOK: ayumi-footcare